Thursday 22 February 2018

Major Project: Shooting Script Draft 4, Shot List Draft 3, & Blocking Draft 1

Now our final script is complete, I have updated my shooting script & shot list, and created blocking sheets for each scene.


This will most likely be the final shooting script as the actual script won't change too much from this point. All of the shots are pretty much the same as the last draft, however they have moved around a bit to fit in with the new pacing of each scene.

I will use this new shooting script to create a new shot list draft.


This new shot list is very similar to the previous draft, but has some minor changes to framing based on what I learnt in the rehearsals about the blocking in each scene. I have also thought carefully about camera placement in this shot list, and how I can captured different shots using less camera positions. For example, I can capture a wide and a close up from the same camera position.


I decided to block each scene using a plan view set up. I used this technique during my Breaking Bad project in the first year, and during my Fiction Adaptation project in the second year, and I found that everyone, both cast and crew, found it useful.

By blocking each scene in this manner, I can ensure that the geography of each scene makes sense, and that both cast and camera operator can see my plans for how I want to set out each scene. The blocking is based on what I have learnt from our rehearsals about how each scene works, and what I know about our location, for which I have floor plans for that I made earlier in the project.

Each scene has a page which has the blocking on it. There is a colour coded key so each person looking at the blocking, whether it be cast or crew, can see which movements and positions are theirs.

Blocking the scenes has allowed me to work out whether or now I have enough coverage, and so far I think I do. If anything changes in the blocking, I will update all other documents accordingly.

I have recently heard that our location has some remodelling work planned, so the layout of the rooms may change. If this happens, we will have to update the blocking to represent that.


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