Thursday 22 February 2018

Major Project: Closing Credits Idea

The credits sequence of any film is very important, and so a lot of time and thought should be put into them.


For this film I didn't want our credits to just be a generic white text on a black screen job. I wanted the credits to represent the style and tone of the rest of the film. I wanted them to be visually interesting so people would actually watch them.

So I went onto Adobe After Effects and messed around with a few ideas. The title card of 'Bobbie & Clive' needed to come onto screen with some impact as the end of the film is a cliffhanger that cuts straight into the credits mid-sentence. It needed to have some movement and life to it. I also wanted this to flow nicely into the credits, so I gave them some movement too.

In terms of background, font and colours, I used the same ones from my initial logo idea. And in terms of music, I used a temp track that I felt was similar to what I'd like to use in the final film.

This is what I came up with:

I feel this represents the film well, however I carried out no contextual research to get to this point, so I will do that before coming up with the final credits sequence for 'Bobbie & Clive'


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