Saturday 24 February 2018

Major Project: Test Shoot 2

As we get closer to the shoot days, we wanted to return to the location and carry out a second test shoot.


For this test shoot we wanted to:
- Test our camera choice.
- Test dressing the office and storage room locations.
- Test lighting the office and storage room locations.

We started by setting up the storage room in the way we would like to in the film. This involved putting together and stacking a lot of boxes. We know now that this takes some time, so we will ensure we have time to do it on the shoot days.

Testing the storage room set dressing
Once everything was set up Ellie & I stood in as Bobbie & Clive, and Ellen set up the camera and lighting how she wanted it. She based her camera positions and framing on my shot list and blocking. We ran through each section of the scene, testing each shot and lighting set up. Ellen kept notes so she could replicate this set up during the actual shoot.

Next we went upstairs and into the office. Whilst there we tested some of the stabilised shots I had put in the shot list. We also followed the same process as above to test some of the shots and lighting for scene 7. Ellie also tested blacking out the windows, which we found worked really well and made it look like it was night time, even though we shot all the test footage during the day.

image taken by Ellen
Below is an edit of the footage created by Ellen:

Upon reviewing the footage, I wasn't too keen on the look. It didn't have the cinematic look I was aiming for. After discussing this will Ellen, we have decided to change our camera choice. We will now be shooting the film on a Canon 7D. By using a Canon we will be able to change lenses, which will allow us to achieve different looks in camera. The depth of field we will get will help create this cinematic look I am aiming for.

After testing the Canon 7D, we decided that was definitely our final camera choice.


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