Monday 19 February 2018

Major Project: Cast Rehearsals

As part of the pre-production process Ellie organised a rehearsal day with the cast.


In preparation for the rehearsals we set up a camera and some sound recording equipment so we could watch everything back afterwards if we needed to.

The aims of the rehearsal were to:
- Run through any new script changes with the cast in person, and take feedback on those changes.
- Block and then rehearse each scene.
- Work out any problems before the shoot days.
- Allow us to assess how our actors were playing the characters, and provide feedback on that.
- Run through all dialogue to help the actors remember it more.

We started the day with just Sophie and Nik as they are in every scene, where as Craig is only in two so we didn't need him until the afternoon. We ran through each scene, breaking it down into sections and blocking out each section. Whilst doing this we worked on dialogue and actions to suit the actors and the characters better. Sometimes you don't notice things until you see someone act them out in front of you.

Sophie & Nik rehearsing
Later in the day Craig turned up. He watched the other two run through their scenes again. I wanted to ensure he fully understood the rest of the film as it was important for his character. We then blocked and rehearsed all of his scenes, which didn't take too long.

Me directing Nik & Craig during rehearsals
I'm really glad we rehearsed all of the scenes in advance. It highlighted any issues now, which will save us time on the actual shoot days. As we have also blocked the scenes with the actors now, it will also save us time, which is always a plus.

My hope is the cast will take home what they have learnt with them and use that to keep rehearsing in time for the shoot days.


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