Monday 8 January 2018

Major Project: New Idea 'Bobbie & Clive' & 25 Word Pitch

Although we haven't received feedback on our initial idea yet, we have decided to make some major changes.


When I was looking into the genre of heist movies, I found the original 'Bonnie & Clyde' movie from 1967. I liked this idea of a husband and wife crime duo, and so I pitched an idea to the rest of the group called 'Bobbie and Clive'. It's pretty much the same as our previous idea (in terms of scripting), but one of the characters is now a woman, and the two are husband and wife. After initial discussions with the group, we also added in a new character, who would act as the antagonist. This character is a security guard at the warehouse, who catches the two in the act.

I would say this idea is extremely loosely based on 'Bonnie & Clyde'. We will write some nice references into the story, and I will think of some interesting things we can do visually to reference the real life criminals. The idea that the two end up accidentally robbing a fruit warehouse will stay the same, but the ending will be re-written to accommodate the new character arcs.


Like the original idea, this one can also be summarised in a 25 word 'Elevator Pitch', with a few word changes:

In a desperate need for money, Bobbie & Clive take part in a heist, but to their surprise, it's not as easy as they thought

I feel this pitch effectively sums up the new idea, and like the previous one, leaves the reader's mind open to what the story might actually be about. I like this new idea, and I like the play on words with the title, something which actually relates to the play on words in the script with the apples.

We will now use this new idea to work on the third draft of our script.


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