Thursday 11 January 2018

Major Project: Bobbie & Clive Test Logo Graphic

One of the first things I always like to do for every project is create a test graphic which often features a test logo for the project.


I often create these test graphics so I can show others what kind of style and tone I'm going for. It also helps me begin to understand the style and tone of the project too. For 'Bobbie & Clive' I wanted to create a graphic that featured a logo, and background that I felt matched the style and tone I'd like to go for.

I feel this film will take inspiration from films by Quentin Tarantino, especially the film Pulp Fiction, and possibly the film Kill Bill. Pulp Fiction has a very distinctive logo in a yellow western style font on a red background. This logo stands out and also matches the tone and style of the film. Kill Bill uses a bold font in black on a yellow background, which also stands out and matches the style and tone of the film.

As well as those two films, 'Bobbie & Clive' will obviously take some inspiration from the 1967 film Bonnie and Clyde. One of the many logos for the film uses a western style font in red. It's becoming clear that the colours red and yellow appear to be prominent in the action/heist genre. I found this to be true whilst looking at many other action/heist movie posters.

Using this research, and my plans for the style and tone of 'Bobbie & Clive', I used Photoshop to create this test logo graphic.

I decided to go for a western style font because the film is loosely based on Bonnie & Clyde which is has some western tones. I also decided to go for the yellow and red combination, as well as some purple. The yellow of 'Bobbie' stands out against the red, and by having a different colour for 'Clive' it shows that there is a difference between the two characters. Bobbie's name is more in the style of the action/heist genre because she is more up for the heist than Clive is. I chose to make the '&' white so it would also stand out against the red. I decided to add a grunge overlay to the red background as I felt it would give the film a rough tone, insinuating that the film is rough and heavy like most heist movies. The film is not rough and heavy, but I want it to look like it is. The actual plot of the film should be a surprise to the audience. 

I like this test graphic, and I think it accurately represents the style and tone I want the film to have. It also fits in with the conventions for action/heist movies, and the styles set out by the Tarantino examples I referenced.


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