Sunday 17 January 2016

Directions: Self-Portrait- Shot List

Once I had finished the script for my self-portrait I could create the shot list. I will use this shot list when filming to ensure I get all the coverage I need to effectively tell the story I am trying to tell. A lot of the shots may differ from how they are described in the shot list because once I've set the room up I may find a better angle to shoot from.

Here are the first 3 pages from the shot list:

Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Even if I do change some of the shots, this shot list we be very useful during the shoot. I will now send a copy to my camera operator so they have an idea of what I'm looking for before we begin the shoot in a few weeks time.


  1. some really strong prep and research completed for the self portrait film by the deadline. excellent work. you are in a strong position to direct a very interesting project. well done.
