Saturday 13 January 2018

Major Project: Directors Statement

To help others understand my vision for 'Bobbie & Clive' I have come up with my own directors statement for the film.


In the past my directors statement for all of my projects has been:

"I take a great interest in the filmmaking process. Watching something go from being words on a page, to visuals on a screen, is wonderful. I believe that anyone can make a film, but only certain people know how to make a masterpiece. By mixing audio, visuals and storytelling, you can create a more powerful piece than by using just one art form on its own. I want to create films that represent my personality and the way I see the world, and to do this I try to use the camera to tell the story in a handheld, realistic and rough manner. I like to roll for as long as possible and keep the camera moving, following the action as it progresses. And over the years I've produced work that I feel represents my vision. But, without incredible directors like Steven Spielberg and J.J. Abrams, I wouldn't have a vision, because I wouldn't be making movies. I'm inspired by the work they have produced, and I'm driven by my passion for the industry. My hope is that this passion comes across on screen, and that when people see my work, they will understand my vision and how it represents my view of the world."

For this project I wanted to amend that slightly. I do not feel that a handheld and rough manner will work for 'Bobbie & Clive', however I do want to keep it looking and feeling realistic. Using this, and information I have researched on similar films, this is my directors statement for 'Bobbie & Clive':

"Bobbie & Clive will be fast paced and slick, with a realistic and natural look that complements the realism of the story. The characters and their stories are believable, and so I want to look of the film to match that. I want steer away from rough handheld shots, and instead use smooth stabilised shots that add to the polished feel of the film. Working with a strong team of people, good audio, visuals, and storytelling will be blended together to create a well formed vision. The style of Bobbie & Clive will hopefully take inspiration from filmmakers like Edgar Wright, Steven Spielberg and J.J. Abrams, mixing all of their uniques styles together, to create something unique in its own way. My hope is that this film represents me as a filmmaker and helps others understand my passion, and my view of the world. I want people to see this film and fully grasp its concept, and I will do this through my directing of the performers, the camera, and the edit"

I hope that this new directors statement for 'Bobbie & Clive' helps others understand my vision for the film, and the direction I would like to take with it. I will apply this statement to all aspects of production for the film.



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