Monday 15 January 2018

Major Project: Mood Boards

An important part of the pre-production process for me as a director is to ensure that everyone else on the production, especially the DOP, understands my vision for the film. To do this I have created some mood boards.


I have created a mood board for each of the three main locations currently in the script. Each mood board has some images on it that I feel represent the look and feel I would like to go for in each of those locations. This will help the DOP understand the style/set dressing I'd like, and it will also help the producer understand the sorts of locations I am looking for.

Below are the mood boards for each of the three main locations:

Car Park Outside Office

For the car park location I am looking for something very industrial, with lot's of concrete and corrugated metal buildings.


For the office location I am looking for something that looks like an office that is always in use, with computers, desks and chairs everywhere. Preferably one that doesn't have very harsh lighting.

Storage Room

For the storage room I want to go with something small and clean. A room filled with lots of cardboard boxes, preferably with a big shutter door.

I will use these mood boards throughout the production to help others understand my vision for the locations, and I will update them if anything changes.


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