Monday 22 January 2018

Major Project: Location Recce

In preparation for our shoot, we completed a location recce.


Pretty much from the start of the project, when we wrote our first idea down, we knew that Ellen had a good location in mind for us to use. It's an office/warehouse location that some of her family members work at. After conversations with the boss, Ellen arranged a location recce for us.

During the recce my main focus was looking at each room at the location and working out how I could shoot each scene in said location. I was looking at where I could put the camera, and (even though it's a DOP thing) how I could light each room. As well as this, I looked at the many different rooms we could use as the storage room location. I needed to decided which one was best for the film, but also think about the health and safety aspect as they were working warehouse locations. For this I worked with the producer.

Whilst at the location I was also able to create a floor plan which I can use for blocking later in the pre-production process.

Below are some pictures of the chosen rooms at this location:

Possible storage room 1

Possible storage room 2



I will use all of the information I have learnt during the recce whilst creating my next shot list, and whilst I create my blocking for each scene. We are yet to decide on which room we will use for our storage room, but we will decide this before the test shoot. As a group we will use this new information when writing the next script draft. We can now carefully plan each scene as we know how each room is set out.

This is our only, and final location choice. It is very suitable for our needs. We have worked out how to black out all of the windows so we can shoot during the day and make it look like night. The only downside is as this is a working office, we can only film at night, or during weekends.


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