Friday 26 January 2018

Major Project: Triptych Logo Creation

As part of this project we needed to come up with our own production company to use in the film.


As a group we came up with the name 'Triptych'. It's definition is:

"a set of three associated artistic, literary, or musical works intended to be appreciated together"

We felt this word perfectly defined what we were as a trio. Three associated artistic views coming together to create something that is to be appreciated as one. Triptych is also a film term as it is the name of film posters slit into three sections like the example below.

Triptych poster for The Hobbit
Our next step was to create a logo that we could use in the film, and on the poster. We discussed as a group some ideas for that logo. We were thinking something dark with a nice bold font. We also wanted to include the three separate works idea, or in this case three separate lines. Using this information, we came up with this.

We feel this logo incorporates the ideas we had and the idea of what a triptych is. The next stage is to animate this for use in the film. This will be done at a later stage.


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