Thursday 8 December 2016

Fiction Adaptation: The Passenger (Short Horror Film)

As part of my pre-production for this unit, I watched a couple of short horror films with similar themes to my idea, to help with my story/script development. Below is one of those films.


'The Passenger' is about a girl who is stuck in the middle of nowhere when her car breaks down, however, she isn't alone, as a mysterious figure torments her. It's not the scariest horror film ever, but it has a few elements in it, that I would like to incorporate into my own film.

This is what I like about this film:

- I like the lighting inside the car. The use of a slight underlight adds a sinister tone to the car interior.
- At one point it cuts to a wide shot of the location. A black figure then passes the camera. I like how this was done, and the use of a loud, sudden sound, adds tension to the scene.
- When the character first discovers that something is going wrong, we see the discovery from her perspective.
- After that moment, it cuts to a wide shot with a fisheye lens. This distorted view of the situation, provides an uneasy feeling.
- An atmospheric sound is used in the background to help build tension.
- The side mirrors on the car are used at one point to show a character's reaction to something.
- The rear view mirror is then used to show us the character's perspective of the situation behind her.
- Sound is used very carefully in this film, to build suspense, and aid the scary moments.

Overall, as I said, it's not the scariest film ever, but it does use some good shots, and some good sounds to aid the story, and build tension and suspense. There are a few elements I would like to incorporate into my story, like car doing things on its own, and the use of the car mirrors to reflect the situations we are filming.


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