Tuesday 6 December 2016

Fiction Adaptation: New Idea

I have decided to scrap my original idea of doing a one take adaptation. My reason for this is because I don't beleive I will be able to create something that is interesting and maintains the attention of the audience whilst successfully telling a story, all in one shot. Now I have spoken to my poet about his poem, I have a new idea.


My new idea focuses on a boy who has been left alone in a car for a couple of minutes. Whilst in the car, he puts the radio on, and shuts his eyes. We as an audience are then placed inside his imagination, and the images that follow, are created by his mind, which is being influenced by the poem that has begun playing out of the radio in the car.

I came up with this idea after the poet, Ross Sutherland, told me the poem was about a single moment in time, and letting the radio guide your thoughts. Whilst on the phone to him, he also told me about how he wrote the poem whilst sitting in the car outside a dentist practice waiting for his girlfriend, and this is where I got the idea of a boy being left alone in a car.

In terms of locations, I'd like to use an empty car park and a woodland. The empty car park is there because I wanted a location where a car would seem natural, but also a location that would seem quite scary to be left in alone. I chose to include a woodland as the boys imaginative world, because it's a large open space where you are free to run wild, like how a child's mind could run wild.

Possible location for the woodland: Vinters Park, Maidstone
Possible location for the car park: Linksfield Rd
I will now start working on a script for this new idea.


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