Thursday 8 December 2016

Fiction Adaptation: Filming

Now all the pre-production was complete, it was time to film.


To prepare, I spent two hours the day before balancing the steadicam so I could attach the camera and go when it came to filming. It was a tedious, and lengthy task, but in the end it was worth it as I got some good shots.

Before filming began, I got my mum to move the car into position, as I'd be filming the driving shots at the end of the day as the sun was setting. After this I called my brother over to the location and we rehearsed the scenes a couple of times, running through the action, and camera positions.

Next we set up for all the shots filmed from the side, which make up a majority of the shots. Once set up, we ran through the whole script a couple of times, getting a few takes with different camera movements, and frame sizes. Then we set up for all the front shots, which would be filmed from the windscreen. Again we ran through the whole script, getting a couple of takes with different camera movements, and frame sizes.

After this, we moved onto filming all the other shots I needed to ensure I had enough coverage, this included all the detail shots, and close ups. We filmed some from the back seat looking into the front. Some through the rear of the car for all the scenes involving the boot, and some through the opposite side of the car from earlier.

Once all the main shots were complete, we moved onto all of the wide shots of the location. I asked my brother to run through the scenes a couple of times inside the car, so I could get some wide shots from outside the car. After all of these shots were complete, I got into costume as the creepy figure, and we filmed all of the shots involving me. This included the final shot of the film, which is filmed through the rear view mirror. For this, we had to set up a tripod in the drivers seat, and point the camera at the rear view mirror, so it could film out the rear of the car.

Next, we set up the steadicam rig, which wasn't difficult as I had prepared it the day before. I used this to film a few wide shots of the car, and some shots of the boy character climbing from the front of the car, to the back. And finally, I used it to film one of the most important shots of the film, which involves the camera flying through the car, and up to the boy who is sitting in the drivers seat. We did a few takes of this, as the steadicam was hard to operate.

After this, we then set up the audio recorder and recorded all the sound effects I needed to complete the scene. This included the knocking sounds in the boot and outside the car, and the sounds of doors opening, and doors locking. Finally, I grabbed a clean plate of ambience sound inside, and outside the car, and the sounds of my brother moving around in the car as per the script, because I needed to cover up the sounds of my directing him during filming.

Finally, I called my mum back to the location, and filmed her shots, which included a wide of the car driving into position, and a close up shot of her getting out of the car. After this was complete, filming was over.

Overall, I think filming went really well. Both my cast members were really good, and my crew were great too. I was able to film everything I needed and after reviewing the footage, I was really happy with every shot. It was a great shot, and I'm really happy with how it went.

Below are a few colour graded frames from the shoot:


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