Thursday 8 December 2016

Fiction Adaptation: Passenger (Another Short Horror Film With A Similar Name)

As part of my pre-production for this unit, I watched a couple of short horror films with similar themes to my idea, to help with my story/script development. Below is one of those films, with a similar name to another one I have written about.


'Passenger' is another short horror film about someone, in their car, in the middle of nowhere, being tormented by a mysterious figure. Like the other film I have looked at, it's not super scary, but it has some good elements that I would like to incorporate into my own film.

This is what I liked about the film:

- The use of audio on the radio to unintentionally build tension.
- The use of the sound of an electric chair mechanism to build tension.
- A slight ringing noise added in during tense moments to help build suspense.
- In one shot, they use the rear view mirrors to show the audience the character's perspective of one of the scary moments.
- The car engine won't start, which helps build tension.
- The sounds of the character breathing heavily help build up suspense during a tense moment of the film.
- An atmospheric rumble in the background helps to again build tension.
- A final scare to end the film.

Unfortunately, I don't think the ending of this film is very good, however, I do think it uses sound very well throughout to build suspense and tension, and ultimately make the scenes scarier than they are. I will try to incorporate these ideas into my project.


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