Tuesday 6 December 2016

Fiction Adaptation: Project Feedback Meeting

To help with the development of my ideas for the Fiction Adaptation unit, I had a feedback meeting with Helen.


We started the meeting by discussing the camera movement test I had created. After some discussion about how it would be difficult to tell a good story in one shot without more detailed character development, I told Helen about my new idea.

I shared my idea of a boy being left alone in the car, and letting the radio guide his imagination, and after some discussion, this led onto the idea of how I could play on the 'left alone part' of this idea. We spoke about the idea of a seemingly innocuous environment turning into something different when the boy is left alone. We worked on the idea of giving the car a character, as though it is being controlled by something else, and this poor boy has been left to its mercy.

I found this meeting very useful, and I will continue to work on this idea, and develop a script.



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