Thursday 8 December 2016

Fiction Adaptation: Rough Cut Feedback

After I had finished editing the rough cut, I showed it to Helen and Sam for some feedback.


We watched through the full film once, and then went back through it slowly, to highlight any good or bad areas. Feedback was mostly positive, and there are not many changes that need to be made. They like the cinematography, colouring, and sound design. They also thought it worked really well as a short film, and could stand alone without the poem.

These were the changes they suggested:

- Change the titles font to something a bit simpler, and less show offy.
- Work on the sound design as some sounds were hard to hear.
- Try to add more poem related sounds to ensure the poem doesn't get lost.
- Think more about how I can incorporate text into the film.
- Try recording the poem playing out of a car stereo, and see how that sounds.

I will now work on making these suggested changes, and form a fine cut.


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