Tuesday 6 December 2016

Fiction Adaptation: Final Idea

After a few changes, I have reached a conclusion on my final idea for 'Poem Heard On Heart 105'.


My final idea is to follow the story of a boy who has been left alone in a car for a few minutes. Unfortunately for him, he is not as alone as he thinks he is. Somebody is watching. Somebody is controlling the car he is now locked in. That somebody, is not a nice person.

Across the few minutes, the boy will be locked in the car, tortured by noises coming from all angles, and constantly made to feel like his is being watched. It will not be a fun experience, and it doesn't end well for him.

I came up with this idea, after me and Helen discussed how it would be interesting to make a reasonably normal and safe environment, seem terrifying and deadly. I want to explore the idea of an innocent boy who believes he is safe on his own in the car, but couldn't be more wrong.

We will see the boy crawling around the small interior of the car, trying to escape this nightmare, and work out what is really going on. He will be watched by a distant figure, who, at the right moment, will attack, and end the life of the poor boy.

I'm very excited about this idea, and I'm looking forward to giving horror a try. I will now work on a new draft of my script.



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