Sunday, 30 October 2016

Digital News: Student Yak | Let's Go Viral

Below is the final video produced for the Digital News Unit. ...

Digital News: Student Yak Promo

Below is the final promo produced for the Digital News Unit. ...

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Digital News: Project Evaluation

DIGITAL NEWS PROJECT EVALUATION PRE-PRODUCTION I started this unit knowing who I wanted to work with. I wanted to work with people I hadn't really worked with before, and so I our group consisted of me, Ida, Nisserin, and Becca. We knew from day 1 that time was tight, so we sat down straight...

Digital News: TV/Film Yak Article For Website

For our website, I was asked to write an article for TV/Film Yak. ARTICLE FOR WEBSITE I decided to write about the recent premiere of 'The Walking Dead' Season 7. I chose to write about this because it was a popular topic on the internet at the time, due to the deaths of two beloved characters. I am also a big fan of 'The Walking Dead', and the episode left me with a lot to say. I did a bit of...

Digital News: The Jokes

Our final production has a lot of jokes in it, some of which are not immediately obvious, below are all of the jokes: STUDENT YAK JOKES Viral Video sound bites- During the introduction, we've added sound bites from some popular viral videos, which are 'Charlie Bit My Finger', 'David Went To The Dentist', 'Pen, Pineapple, Apple, Pen', 'Keyboard Cat', 'Damn Daniel', and 'The Harlem Shake'. We reference...

Digital News: Fine Cut Feedback

Before the hand in, we had one final feedback session with Helen. FINE CUT FEEDBACK Prior to the meeting, we sat down as a group to identify any issues: - Change the FRED joke. - Continue with colour correction - Make a few additional changes to the interview to help increase the energy. After...

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Digital News: Rough Cut Feedback

Once the rough cut was ready, we sat down as a group with Helen to get some feedback. ROUGH CUT FEEDBACK FROM THE GROUP Prior to the meeting, we sat down without Helen and watched the rough cut through a few times to identify any issues, this was the feedback: - Fix one of the social media logos...

Digital News: Editing Full Video & Promo (Rough Cut)

After I had edited the news package, and the live, it was time to edit the full episode, including the green screen shot, and the promo. THE FULL VIDEO Before I began to edit anything, I imported all of the footage into Adobe Premiere Pro, and organised it into bins. These help me keep track of everything....

Sunday, 23 October 2016

Digital News: Editing Live (Rough Cut)

To edit the live package together I decided to try something new, using the multi camera set up in Premiere Pro. EDITING THE LIVE Before editing anything, I sorted all of the media into bins to make finding things and organising things a lot easier during the editing process. My bins Next...

Digital News: Editing News Package (Rough Cut)

EDITING NEWS PACKAGE All the footage has been filmed, it's now time to edit together a rough cut. I began by editing the news package together, which consists of our interview with Katie Joslin, and our Step by Step guide to making a viral video. Before I began to edit anything, I first created my...

Digital News: Filming Day 2 (Green Screen/Live/Promo)

For our second filming day, we would be filming all of our green screen scenes, our live package, and our promo FILMING DAY 2- LIVE We had originally planned to film out live segment outside the studios in the car park, but unfortunately, due to a very heavy rainfall, we had to make alternative...

Digital News: Recording Voiceovers

We had a spare half an hour at the studios, so Nisserin and I decided to record the voice overs for our digital news production. RECORDING VOICE OVERS Unfortunately, the sound recording setup in production room 2 wasn't functioning properly so we quickly booked at a Zoom H4N from Ferg and wired the Rode Mic up to it. We only needed to record the voice overs for Katie's X Factor style intro, for...

Digital News: Filming Day 1 (Interview & News Package)

So the time had come. We had written the script, gathered our contributors, and collected our equipment. It was time for our first day of filming... FILMING DAY (INTERVIEW & NEWS PACKAGE) The day before the shoot, we set up the room we were using for the interview, so we would have more time...

Digital News: Interview Footage Review

The day after we filmed our interview with Katie Joslin, we met up at the studios to review the footage and decide what to put in the final edit. INTERVIEW FOOTAGE REVIEW By this point, I hadn't had a chance to edit any of the footage together as we only filmed it the day before, so we had to just view the raw clips back. We went through each clip and listened to what Katie said, as well as looking...

Digital News: Shot List

SHOT LIST So that we are ready to film our digital news production, as DOP, Nisserin has put together a shot list: The shot list gives us as a group a good idea of how the final video production will be framed and filmed. It will also help director Becca decide what the presenters should be doing...

Digital News: Final Script & Structure

As we prepare to film our green screen scenes for our digital news production, we have made some final changes to the script and structure. FINAL SCRIPT & STRUCTURE Page 1 To create the final version of the script, these are the changes we made: - We added a new question to the package introduction-...

Digital News: Story Change

As we were finalising the script for our green screen shoot, we decided to slightly change the story. STORY CHANGE Our original story involved us producing two online videos in an attempt to go viral, a cat video, and a humorous video of someone having paper balls thrown at them on a daily basis. As we had already decided not to focus on production value of a viral video, we agreed that we didn't...

Sunday, 16 October 2016

Digital News: Script Re-writes & Promo Script

SCRIPT RE-WRITES As we get closer the filming our green screen segments for digital news, we have re-written a few elements of our script. For this draft of the script these are the changes we made: - Updated the introduction to the news package to add a little bit of history on viral videos. -...

Digital News: Call Sheet/Schedule

As part of the pre-production for our Digital News unit, we put together a call sheet/schedule for our two filming days. CALL SHEET/SCHEDULE The call sheet and schedule are important in ensuring that everyone knows when and where they need to be at all times. They also help everyone prepare for each...

Digital News: Live Rehearsal

To prepare for the filming of a live segment, we met up with our co-presenter George for a full rehearsal. LIVE REHEARSAL We started off by running George through the lines and the marks he needed hit at certain points during the two minutes. Although we didn't have any cameras set up, we used our phones to show him where the cameras would be so he knew where to look. After running through the...

Digital News: Green Screen Workshop & Test Shoot 2

We recently had a green screen workshop in the studio, to help us learn how to set up and then use a green screen. GREEN SCREEN WORKSHOP We started the workshop by watching one of the groups set the green screen up. To do this they attached the green screen to two C-Stands, and then raised the C-Stands...