Monday 10 October 2016

Digital News: Development Meeting 3

- Live Script- bottle flip challenge


We started our third development meeting by looking at a few set design images I had created based on suggestions from the group. After making a few adjustments, we were pretty happy with the final set design.

Next we began to work on our questions for our interview with Katie. Each of us read out some questions we had come up with, and then Nisserin wrote them all down and narrowed them down to a few specific questions. Once we had agreed on the final questions, we asked Ida to speak to Katie and ensure she was still on board, as well as give her an idea of the type of questions we will ask her.

Finally, we worked on the script for our new live package idea. We needed to script all of George's lines and pass them onto him so he could prepare for the live. We only have one shot at the live, and so the script would be essential in helping us ensure it all goes to plan. Before writing anything down, we agreed on the structure of the live package, and on the final challenge. After some research we found that there was currently a world record related to this challenge. Somebody in the US had flipped a bottle 46 times in 60 seconds, and so we agreed that we should attempt to break that record as part of our live package.

Once everything was agreed on, we finished a new draft of the script and passed it on to George.

Our next steps are to:

- Prepare for filming the interview, and the live package.


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