Monday 3 October 2016

Digital News- Final News Story: Viral Videos

This is our final news story idea both news packages.


We want to investigate the world of viral videos, and their production. To do this we want to talk to a YouTuber who has experience producing online videos. We will also create our own videos, in an attempt to go viral and watch it as it happens. We want to look at whether the production value of a video, affects its chances of going viral, or if people only care about the content of the video. To do this we will create two videos, one with a high production value, one with a low production value.

High Production Value Video

The high production value video will be a cat video that requires the use of DSLR cameras, sound recording equipment, and visual effects.

Low Production Value Video

The low production value video will be a video filmed on mobile phones, that documents a week of three people annoying one of their friends (me). Our research shows that these types of videos are usually very popular.

Both of these videos will be uploaded at the same time, and initially shared in the same manner on social media. We will also share them with The Lad Bible, who take video submissions in an attempt to share the latest viral videos. The only differences are that each video has a different production value, and a different content.


These are the questions this news story will attempt to answer:

- What is life as an online video producer (YouTuber) like?
- Does the production value of your video effect your chances of going viral? (Professional vs amateur)
- Which of our viral videos do students prefer? Specifically, video production students who understand the effort that goes into videos.

Here is an idea of the structure of each news package:

News Package-
- Studio Intro
- Interview with Katie Joslin
- Studio cont.
- Viral Video Production
- Conclusion, which video was most successful?

Live Package
- George at The Maidstone Studios talking to TV Production students, asking them questions about the two videos. E.g. Which video do you think was the most successful? Which video do you prefer/find the most entertaining? Would you share the videos? Which video do you think had the best production value?

Now that we have finalised our news story, we can focus on preparing to film what we need to film, to create each news package, and to successfully answer each question.



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