Sunday 23 October 2016

Digital News: Story Change

As we were finalising the script for our green screen shoot, we decided to slightly change the story.


Our original story involved us producing two online videos in an attempt to go viral, a cat video, and a humorous video of someone having paper balls thrown at them on a daily basis. As we had already decided not to focus on production value of a viral video, we agreed that we didn't to use both videos in the final show. We decided not to include the cat video anymore as it wasn't performing very well online. By this point the cat video had only reached about 350 views, where as the other video had reached over 1000 views.

Instead we will now only focus on the view count of the paper ball video, as its view count is much more impressive than the cat video. We will however keep the video on our Facebook page as it's another piece of original content that represents our brand. In the final video, we will only reveal the paper ball video view count, and use that as a basis for our main story, and live piece.


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