Sunday 16 October 2016

Digital News: Script Re-writes & Promo Script


As we get closer the filming our green screen segments for digital news, we have re-written a few elements of our script.

For this draft of the script these are the changes we made:

- Updated the introduction to the news package to add a little bit of history on viral videos.
- Updated the reveal of the view count on our viral video as we have changed the structure and content of that section.
- And finally, we updated the conclusion to include the new research we discovered after our interview with Katie Joslin, which includes her favourite viral video.
- We also added multiple new references to popular internet phenomena.


We realised that we hadn't yet put a script together for the promo, so we sat down as a group a put one together. Before doing this we decided that we wanted to advertise our channel in the style of a 1950s advert for a product. We thought this would be quite funny, especially considering nothing like this would have existed in the 1950s.

We ran a few ideas past one another, wrote the script and ended up with this:

We are going to film this in front of the green screen so we can add in the backgrounds we like in post. This promo should be humourous and engaging, so hopefully it will make people check out our channel and our content.


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