Monday 10 October 2016

Digital News: Topical Waffle (Digital News Production)


Topical Waffle was a 2 episode series produced by the writers of The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon. The show takes a look back over the recent events in a comical way. It has a very specific style, which makes it engaging and entertaining, as well as informative. Although there are only small elements of news in there, I would still say it counts as a digital news production. The show has clearly been well thought out and the jokes have clearly been written by a team of people who know what they're doing. I found whilst I was watching it that I did actually learn something, even if it was just the current top 5 songs.

Throughout, a lot of visual effects are used as part of the comedy, and this is something we would like to import into our digital news production. We want there to be a few subtle jokes that not everyone will notice. We also want to add as much comedy as possible to help maintain our audience for the entire video, which is currently going to be about 5-6 minutes. It can be difficult to keep an audience engaged for that amount of time, so hopefully by making our video very entertaining, we'll be successful in keeping people's attention. Topical Waffle clearly has a high production value, and we want our show to look as though it does too, even though it is being made for basically zero monies.

Overall, Topical Waffle is a very entertaining, quick, and informative show, that knows its audience, and knows how to explore the news in a funny manner. We hope we can maintain a similar level of entertainment, informativeness, and humour in our digital news production.


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