Monday 3 October 2016

Digital News: Meeting With Contributors

As part of the pre-production for this unit, we met with our contributors to discuss the next stages of our production.


Unfortunately, Katie couldn't make it to the meeting, so we only met with our co-presenter George Wing.

To start the meeting off we thanked George for agreeing to help us out, and we told him a bit about our idea. We told him about the brand, the news story, and the show that influenced our idea, Topical Waffle. We also showed him our website and social media platforms and we felt that best represent our brand, and our style.

Next we told George about his role. We explained what the live report would be about, and where/when we were currently thinking about doing it. We also checked that he would be comfortable in front of the camera, telling some of the jokes we were planning on writing for him.

After we answered some of his questions, it was clear that George was very happy to take part, and that he was looking forward to it. We will keep him updated if anything changes. We also got him to sign an artist form to say he was happy for us to use his image.

As a group, we are very excited to work with him, and to give him a chance to learn something from the experience.

After we had finished with George, Ida set up a video call with Katie, so we could ask her a few quick questions. We told Katie about our current plans for the interview and she seemed pretty happy with them.

Now that both our contributors are on board and aware of what's going on, we can move onto the next stage of pre-production.


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