Friday 5 January 2018

Major Project: 'Stick Up' 25 word pitch

All good ideas can be summarised in 25 words or less. This is known as an Elevator Pitch because it designed to be short enough to be said to someone in the time between two floors in an elevator.


After completing some research into 25 word pitches, I found that there are 4 important things to include:
- Protagonist(s)
- Goal
- Motivation
- Conflict.

I then broke my idea down into those four things:
- Protagonist(s)- two friends, Steve & Dave
- Goal- to make some quick cash robbing a warehouse
- Motivation- They need money, quickly

Using this information, I created this 25 word pitch:

Two friends in desperate need of some funds decide to steal stock from a warehouse. To their surprise, it's not as easy as it seems.

This pitch is exactly 25 words, and I feel it does effectively sum up the idea. I also feel it leaves the readers mind open to what could happen to the two friends as they carry out this heist. As well as this, I believe it is intriguing enough to persuade someone to watch this film, or in the case that these pitches are often used, fund/make this film.

Research source:


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