Tuesday 2 January 2018

Major Project: Brief

The Major Project is the final project on this course.


For this project, there are three options that can be taken:

Pre-Production Continuation

- This option allows us to develop our project from the Pre-Production unit into a film. So in my case I would be taking Pleasure Park into production.

New Project

- This option involves coming up with a new idea, and taking that into production. Due to the reduced time frame, it doesn't need to be as long as the projects produced by the people choosing the first option.

Long-Form Writing

- This option is for students that want to focus on just writing. It involves writing a screenplay, which can be based on the idea from the Pre-Production unit, or a completely new idea.

I have chosen to follow the new project option, as I feel my pre-production idea is too big to take into production at this level. This means I will need to come up with a new idea, or with a group who already have an idea for the major project.

My initial plan was to work as an editor on another groups project, however after discussion with them, and with my tutor, it was decided that I'd work in another group as the Director/Editor/Co-Writer.

So for this project I will mainly be working as a Director, but I will also have the role of Co-Writer, and Editor.


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