Tuesday 16 January 2018

Major Project: Shooting Script Draft 1 & Shot List Draft 1

Now that we have a script and storyline we are happy with, I have created a first draft shooting script and shot list.


Before I created a shot list, I went through the latest script draft and made a note of the shots I would like to use for each section. I did it in the style of a live TV show script, where the shots are written onto the script in the order they appear on screen. I did this to ensure my shot list would have enough coverage for every scene. It's basically an edit of the film paper. As I'm the editor as well, this will help me further down the line.

All of the shots are based on my research and also my vision for the film. I have tried to ensure that each part of the script has enough coverage. I will be able to use this during editing to help speed up the initial assembly process.


Using the above shooting script as a reference I then created this shot list.

The shots in my shot list are based on my research, my vision for the film, and everything I have learnt about coverage whilst on the course. I have included shots like:

- MS two shots
- CUs
- Stabilised tracking shots
- LSs

I have chosen to include whip pans in homage to Baby Driver, which is one of the influences for 'Bobbie & Clive'. I have chosen to include a few long tracking shots in homage to Quentin Tarantino, who is one of the directorial influences for this film.

Overall all of my shot choices are based on ensuring I have enough coverage of each scene to ensure I can establish good scene geography and help the audience understand and see what is going on. I want the shot choices to complement the script, and I beleive the shots I have chosen do so.

When we complete a test shoot, I will try out some of these shots to see if they are the correct choices.


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