Saturday 30 January 2016

Directions: Pre-Production- Risk Assessments

I recently visited both of my chosen locations and noted down possible risks so I could fill out my risk assessments. These assessments have to look at all the hazards a cast and crew could face, all the way from minor ones to major ones.

LOCATION 1: Jayar Car Parts. SCENE(S): Scene 2

Whilst on location I noticed a few possible risks-

  • Roads and cars
  • Pedestrians and staff of location
  • Overgrown areas
  • Weather
  • Trip hazards: cables, curbs, steps
  • Uneven ground
  • Spiky fences
  • Potholes
I have assessed all of these risks, and more, and created this risk assessment-

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LOCATION 2: Ursuline Drive. SCENE(S): Scene 1

Whilst on location I noticed a few potential risks-
  • Uneven ground
  • A nearby generator site
  • Pedestrians (residents, school children, dog walkers...)
  • Roads and cars
  • Tripping hazards (curbs, cables, steps...)
  • Weather
  • Overgrown weeds
I have assessed all of these risks, and more, and created this risk assessment-

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After assessing both locations, I have decided that they are safe and so I will be going ahead with my shoot on Monday 8th February 2016.

Overall I think my risk assessments were very thorough and I think I had thought of everything that could possibly happen.


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