Saturday 16 January 2016

Directions: Self-Portrait- More Research

Today I spent the afternoon in my attic trying to find old photos and videos of myself for my self-portrait. As I looked through the photos I thought about how each one could fit into the video. I thought about what sounds I could use for each photo and how this would create a story of my life.

Once I had looked through the photos and picked the ones I wanted I brought them all down from the attic and sorted through them again, this time attaching notes to each one that detailed how I would use it and what my thoughts were on sound design. I then separated the photos into sections based on at what point they were taken in my life. Finally I counted all the photos to ensure I had enough pegs and string to hang then up for the video.

I found the experience very nostalgic. I can't remember the last time I just sat down and looked at my life in photos. I think that if I could learn a lot from looking at them then those who watch my self-portrait should be able too as well.

I split the photos into sections and labelled them


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